Os COMPOTAS are a band of brothas from anotha mothas, joined by tha groove in 2012 to reborn tha funk all around tha globe. Now they're cooking the first original records, you won't lose tha last opportunities to hear them playing tha classics. Call them if you want to dance. They're tha party!
Lissabon, Portugal

A Funk Affair
We provide you a full hearth performance. An act of unconditional love, through the surrendering of our bodies, sweating and moving at the same groove, to boost the energy of your party! We play tha funk, tha whole funk, nothing but the funk. From the classicals of James Brown, Prince or Stevie Wonder to the underrated guardians of the groove, like The Meters or Sly. We're really not a usual band for private events. But we still love to preach the funk, wherever we're called to deliver it.<3
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