Django Portugal toca Jazz Manouche e a música de Django Reinhardt. O ritmo dançável de Paris dos anos 30. Em duo, trio ou quarteto (vocal e instrumental) para ir ao encontro das preferências dos noivos. Guitarras, violino, contrabaixo e voz.
Lissabon, Portugal

Djangology - Gypsy Jazz
Gipsy Jazz Trio/Quartet - Paris from the 30's (Guitar, Accordion/Violin, Cello and Voice). Nuno Marinho (guitar) promotes this music style in Portugal inviting national and international musicians to be part of this Art.

Django Portugal
Django Portugal brings you the best Gypsy Jazz Manouche musicians in the country. Led by award-winner guitarist, composer, and teacher Nuno Marinho, the band is flexible to suit your needs. In duo, trio, or quartet, with violin virtuoso Marian Yanchyk. Jazz Music for events and weddings.
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