Led by Guto Krainski on washboard, Gringo's Washboard Band merges New Orleans street music's authenticity with electric guitar's sophistication. A vibrant celebration of musical heritage that bridges past and present.
Lissabon, Portugal

Casamentos - weddings
An exclusive show with a repertoire rich in detail and very danceable, perfect for lunches, dinners and ceremonies. The show is an unusual mix of traditional and modern, each song has a unique flavor, from the swing of Cab Calloway to the blues of Bessie Smith. If you're looking for something fun and unique, this show has something for everyone.

Show -Welcome Brothers
A Gringo’s Washboard Band é considerada uma banda de renome quando o assunto é a música deNew Orleans. O repertório minuciosamente escolhido, o visual do show, a alegria na execução são alguns ingredientes que fazem o show da Gringo’s WB inesquecível, uma verdadeira viagem às margens do rio Mississippi.
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