Cottas Club Jazz Band are focused on Dixieland (or Traditional jazz), the sound from New Orleans - the home of jazz. This also is reflected in the instrumental make-up of the band: trumpet, trombone, saxophone, clarinet, banjo, sousaphone and washboard.
Lissabon, Portugal

um Espectáculo num imaginário em torno de New Orleans e que faz a ponte com a Historia do Jazz. É CONCERTO para palco , em que envolve uma vasta equipa de artistas como sapateadores , actores , cantores, dançarinos, que resulta numa produção de elevado resultado qualitativo.

Dixieland, Vintage and Street Jazz
The best about Cottas Club is their mobility, their interaction with the audience and their excitement. Their performances are rich in humor, almost in a stand up comedy style. In every show, this group comes dresses up in style and always brings the good vibes.
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