Age Age is a Berlin based artist whose work is focused in the complexity of life. Age Age deconstructs reality to its bits and pieces, in order to re-construct it into a new image, a new set of threads and interconnections.
Berlin, Deutschland

Comission paintings from small canvas to massive murals on buildings. Canvases are done mainly with acrylic color or mixed techniques up to a scale of max. 2 x 3m Murals are done with wall color and spraypaint, starting where we leave the canvases: 2 x 3m up to the sky!

Graffiti Workshop
An introduction to the World of Graffiti with professional guidance. From event locations to the Berlin Hall of Fame, the place and the experience are one whole adventure, true Berlin style. From groups of 2 to big company events with up to 100 people, I offer my experience in this technique. Join me for a true feeling and a fun time!
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