Meine Arbeit basiert auf Collagen von fotorealistischen Elementen und Grafiken. Die Illusion von "Raum und Zeit" spielt auch eine Rolle in meinem Arbeit. Die meisten meiner Bilder sind für private Unternehmen und öffentliche Organisationen. Ich mache auch viele Workshops in Schulen, lehre an der Universität und arbeite in Jugendzentren ...
Hannover, Deutschland

Graffiti Workshops
I offer you different types of workshops from "one-day events" to entertain and train a group of people up to longtime projects with cooperation to schools or youth centers. Usually, the best way to teach the graffiti is to make a couple of preparing lessons and plan a big project together. In the end, we can work for a few days on the final result.

Wall paintings
I offer you a wide range of ideas to make your architecture more interesting or beautiful. Sometimes it is just about some small details or graphics and the oldest building is shining - everybody is talking about it. So don`t be shy, contact me... I will come over and we will find an great idea for you budget!
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