Vinz the Magician is a professional magician specializing in close-up magic called Close-up, Mentalism Magic, as well as Magic on Ipads in Paris. -Ipad Magic -Magic and Mentalism -Stage Show
Paris, França

Mentalism Show
Our artist Vinz Magician performs for you a show of Mentalism on stage to impact a maximum all your guests. This show is personalized according to your values and messages in order to highlight the intention of your event. 20 minutes show to connect your partners and talk about your products and solutions.

Ipad Magic
A Magic presentation using a Smartphone, iPhone, Ipad or other visual aids, allows interactive experiences the transmission of strong messages with usability and surprise. Digital Magic into Vinz the Magician’s hands is a great communication tool: the artist wanders among the guests with it’s tablet to highlight your brand or products, creating magical effects between the real and the virtual. These magic apps are customizable.
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