Uma das melhores components da sua música é a combinação entre o folk rock vindo do ukulele e harmonica com as letras simples, sublimes e, ao mesmo tempo, poderosas. As suas melodias são histórias onde a audiência se pode perder...

Folk Concert - Events
The Town Bar is a Portuguese Folk/Rock/Jazzy band and their performances are fun, energetic and full of sing alongs. The best ice-breakers for your corporative events. They will make everyone dance with their ties on their heads and flirt with "Susan" from the office.

Wedding Folk Band
The Town Bar will bring your wedding to the next level. This band knows how to make your day, a especial day. The Town Bar are an original band that gives you 2h of pure entertainment and songs to make you dance, jump, laugh, sing along and even make your nany dance a boogie. If you want to have a day to remember forever, this is the band you will want for your Wedding.

Entretenimento / Concerto ao vivo
Mais que um concerto Folk, The Town Bar proporciona-te um grande momento a cantar e dançar com estes cowboys portugueses. Prepara-te para conheceres a sua cultura e histórias! P.S.: estes rapazes vêm do campo e são estranhos.