Viele kennen Sebastian von "The Voice of Germany" u. dem ESC-Vorentscheid, wo er nicht nur Raab, Westernhagen und die Fantas von seinem Talent überzeugen konnte. Der Singer-Songwriter hat mit seiner Musik schon die halbe Welt bereist und war dabei auf über 1.000 Veranstaltungen engagiert...
Munique, Alemanha

Singer and guitarist concert
Sebastian has been a full-time singer and guitarist for 20 years - solo and with his band he has about 100 performances a year across Germany and Europe. The Munich-based player plays not only well-known Pop & Jazz classics, but also his own songs. A musical one-man show with guitar, looper, vocals + harmonica - bookable as a concert or accompaniment for a wedding, birthday, company party, Christmas party or any kind of event. "A great artistic talent!" (Stefan Raab)
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