I am a surreal video collagist, working with 2D/3D Video Mapping, AV Installations, videos, animations mixed in my own style and aesthetic. My works were shown and awarded at many international festivals (USA, Germany, UK, Japan, Croatia, Russia,). I like to work with big scale.
Estetino, Polónia

Video collage animation
Creating high-quality video animations and projections for festivals events or promotions. I love to combine classical paintings with video and photography - creating animated collages. I created the opening projection, based on George Mellies movies, for 10 years of Warsaw Film School in Poland. I worked with photographer Szymon Brodziak, creating visuals based on his photography.

3D video installation
Creating large scale installations from any type of recycled objects, trash, and furniture, projecting a video-mapping design on it. The compositions can be artistic as well as for commercial purposes.
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