I am a Swiss artist passionate about making the ordinary extraordinary! My work consists of surreal digital collages created in Photoshop, with photos taken in my daily life and around the world. My aim is to elevate the meaning of things and objects we take for granted. Clients: Apple, Google, Nike
Londres, Reino Unido

Digital Photomanipulation
Creation of one (or more) digital collage(s) for a specific purpose, i.e. cover art, advertising, custom artwork, etc. The photos are shot by the photographer herself or, if better suited, sourced from stock.

Custom portrait drawing
Custom portrait drawing (people or pets), great for gifting a friend or family member. The drawing is done with colored pencils on high-quality thick paper. Black & white is possible as well. If you have an old black & white photo, I can restore the original colours with a special software and then draw the image (see example in the photos attached). Two sizes available: A4 or A5.
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