Berlim, Alemanha
I am Berlin based the #1 female cigar box juggler on the world market presents a unique act built around original and unexpected technical tricks aside with catching comedy character and great music. I also love comedy and have another Comedy Burlesque extravaganza and Stand-up set.
Serviços artísticos por Marta Paley:
Outros artistas de que podes gostar
Karaoke Dance Party
por CherrYO!kie
Lieder, Quatsch und Comedy
por Beppo Pohlmann
Mime on demand
por Circ'Onirico
Burlesque Dancer and Showgirl
por Foxic Poison
Visual Comedy Butler - Bell Boy
por Pantomime Popkultur
Hugo talking robot
por Pantomime Popkultur
Burlesque Showact *Featherqueen*
por Miss Pinky Peacock
Burlesque Showact "Lady Death-Die Totendame"
por Miss Pinky Peacock
Show "EX!T"
por Circ'Onirico
Straßenshow "Heiter bis wolkig"
por Kristin Lahoop