In recent years, Lost.Optics has become a distinct and prevailing voice of Romanian urban art scene. He has created dozens of original murals in several European cities.
Bucareste, Roménia

Art prints
Edition of 1, printed by the artist himself on glossy paper. Digital Print on art paper 260 gr with high quality pigment inks. Limited edition of 1 signed by the artist.

Mural Painting
Graffiti, type design and illustration on walls and bigger surfaces.

Canvas Painting
Whilst other artists of his generation strive for narrative and often photorealistic renderings of reality, Lost.Optics searches in his works for the flattest of surfaces and imposes a complete lack of illusionism towards the physical world. The only reality that he reflects into his pieces, is the inducement that we are looking at a computer screen or some sort of constructed digital universe. “All art is a lie”, indeed, nevertheless the lies created by Lost.Optics convey the truth of matter.
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