My work ranges from illustrations for branding, publications and advertising to small and large scale murals. My most cherished types of projects are the ones that allow me to put my work in public and urban environments, especially when it can benefit local communities through accessible art.
Berlim, Alemanha

Floor/Court Mural
Floor mural: on a court, playground or events space.

Indoor Murals
Hand painted murals, small scale and large scale. I paint offices, schools, backyards, children's playgrounds, restaurants, cafés, large building façades... I also work with illustrations to be displayed in spaces as well as a whole space redesign/artist takeover. Based in Berlin, working everywhere :)

Outdoor Murals
Hand painted murals, small scale and large scale. I paint large building façades, offices, backyards, children's playgrounds, restaurants, cafés... I also work with illustrations to be displayed in public spaces as well as a whole space redesign/artist takeover. Based in Berlin, working everywhere :)

Facade / Façade Mural
Large scale, outdoor murals on building façades.
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