Ich bin Handlettering Künstlerin - Schriften sind mein Spezialgebiet! Am liebsten lettere ich Postkarten, Geschenkanhänger oder Geschenkboxen individuell auf Kundenwunsch oder veranstalte Workshops, in denen ich meinen Teilnehmer die Welt der schönen Buchstaben zeige und den Künstler in ihnen wecke.

Live Lettering
Are you looking for a live attraction in your store? Your customers can let me write their favorite saying or their life motto live on paper products such as postcards, gift tags or gift boxes - an attraction that draws customers to the shop and arouses their enthusiasm. Upon request, I bring along all materials and fulfill about 20 - 60 customer requests in one hour, depending on the complexity and scope of the lettering.

Handlettering Workshop
In 2.5 to 5 hours, I teach a group of up to 25 people the basics of handlettering. Based on my lettering guide, I teach the technique of energetic writing, introduce different materials and give the participants a lot of inspiration and know-how for their first works of art. In the second part, everyone designs their own artwork with a lettering and colored watercolor accents - and I help everyone individually.