Visual artist from Rio de Janeiro, living in Lisbon. Painting walls since 2000, drawing as long as I remember.
Lisboa, Portugal

Drawings ("retrato-retrato"series)
"Retrato-Retrato" drawing series. Graphite on Arjo Wiggings Colorplus paper 250g/m2. 96/66cm. 2012 - 2019

Lettering Illustrations
Illustration with typography and calligraphy as the main subject of it. It can be done in wall (the bigger, the better), cars, foodtrucks, canvas and also digital. I also do live performances of wall paintings or calligraphy (signing gift cards or objects)

Mural painting (indoor and outdoor)
Mural paintings from small to giant! Indoor and outdoor murals, working with a variety of materials: spray paint, chalk, oil, acrylics, crayons, graphite, or whatever it takes to make a great composition with high durability.
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