Sou um artista circence Português. Crio manipulação de anéis a que alguns chamam de dança. Combino acrobacias com movimentos poéticos. É esta a forma como gosto de partilhar a minha Arte.

Unique Ring Juggling Performance
A unique performance self developed by the artists who is a Got Talent finalist and a pioneer in the circus world in Portugal for about 10 years. Through this aesthetically pleasing performance one can see the narrative of a story and the emotions of a song through a body with movement and expression. It’s the kind of performance that is versatile and hipnotizing, and logistically is very simple to travel with being that is only required the rings, costume and performer.

One of a kind LED Ring Performance
Already from a unique show comes this innovative performance with top of the line technology that makes the most beautiful lights merge with movement in a mesmerizing way. It’s possible to choose colours or patterns and even make timelines for more specific or detailed productions. A premium performance for its uniqueness and hability to create that “Wow” factor into the most intimate to the biggest events.