The probably most sensual form of juggling combines harmony and precision through pure body control. Beatrice Baumann knows how to astonish and inspire through this high art.
Berlim, Alemanha

Contact juggling
The most sensual Art of juggling combines harmony and precision through pure body control. Beatrice Baumann knows how to astonish and inspire through this high art. Beatrice offers an extensive repertoire of proven performance that artfully enchants the audiences, coquettish dance elements set effective accents.

Christmas Specials
The Snow Queen is a sublime figure that can walk around on stilts or even interact with humans on the ground. The Ice Princess, on the other hand, is an almost unapproachable figure of a fairy, who holds her audience under the spell with her crystal balls, seemingly floating weightlessly over her body. The Ice Fairy moves over the heads of the audience, looking beautiful.
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