Caricaturista desde 2006, quando iniciou as caricaturas ao vivo em camisetas, papel e caricaturas digitais. Antes da caricatura, já tinha experiência em áreas como desenho animado e quadrinhos ( diversas editoras ), animação 2d, ilustração ( free lance), comunicação visual, e artes plásticas.

Caricaturas ao Vivo / Ilustrações
Caricaturas ao Vivo em camisetas, caricaturas em papel, caricaturas digitais, e caricaturas em canecas. Ação ao vivo para aniversários, casamentos, festas e feiras empresariais. Também aceito encomenda de caricaturas por fotos, enviadas por email.

Digital Caricatures
Whether for you, a friend, a partner, family, or even your boss, I can draw you a variety of beautiful digital caricatures, catering to your needs and requests. Feel free to order as many as you want, the choice is yours! The caricature comes in a digital file in JPG, 300 dpi. and A5 format. Just send me 2 or 3 face photos of each person (recently taken, good lighting, no obstacles in the way).

Digital Illustration
Illustration work can simultaneously be funny and professional, that is the goal. If you need digital art to use on the Internet, social media, books, prints, advertising, etc., make a call or send a message!

Digital Art
Digital art seeks to be more agile, serve more media and preserve the art tradition. All of this happening at the same time makes digital art very rewarding and challenging. Seeking this balance, I try to create my arts as unique (the tradition of academic art), and reach a point where there is no end, but always the beginning of another challenge. The focus of this work is to create digital art, about a theme or concept. Creation can be performed in the studio or live.