Degree in Visual Arts from UMSA, Argentina; and UPV/EHU, Vasco Country. She worked as an educator and guide in museums such as MACBA; Tel Aviv Center for Contemporary Arts; and Israel Museum, Jerusalem. She painted murals in Buenos Aires, Miami, Tel Aviv, and Lisbon. Sharing art workshops.

Mission 🍃: To allow ourselves to navegate the human & spiritual experience through color To Hold our Vissions and bring them to life To Inhabit a state of conciousness in which Being and Color (light) vibrate the same frequency To Develop art as a medium to bridge and connect with the Divine in the Ecosystem To Follow the goddess of nature to show us her beauty, painting the life in every corner No previous experience in art is needed

Aulas de Pintura e Desenho
Foco na cor, figura humana e desenvolvimento pessoal. Técnicas: aquarela, acrílico, óleo, carbão. Pressencial e online. Adultos e crianças.

Eco Pictorial Workshop
Este workshop é uma introdução ao mundo encantador da Pintura com Argila e Pigmentos, uma técnica que nasceu do resultado de uma investigação realizada sobre as possibilidades cromáticas da argila após um mês de imersão na Ecovila Terra Una, Brasil. Numa fusão com as técnicas tradicionais da Pintura, Desenho e Harmonia Cromática, vamos explorar o potencial artístico do barro e de outros elementos naturais, num diálogo entre a nossa energia criativa e a natureza.

Online Painting Sessions
In these painting sessions you can choose the technique you wish to learn: oil; acrylics; watercolor; drawing with pencil or charcoil; landscape or human anatomy; and chromatic harmony -the harmony of color. Particular: 1,5 hours Groupal: 2 hours The sessions include some theory and history of art that will inspire us on our painting process. This service has the gift of letting us connect through art, building a creative and sensitive network throughout the world.

Art Pieces and Live Portraits
Book your own live portrait in the technique you choose: watercolor, acrylics, oil painting! Also you can find in my studio art pieces on the thematic of Nature, Ecosystems, and Femenine.