I am a female illustrator based in Berlin. I offer any kind of customized illustrations either on paper, wall or skin! I love doing event illustrations especially focusing on fast sketching!

Shop Window & Wall Illustration
Shop windows and walls in the company are figureheads for the soul of the company. It is therefore an advantage to have your outdoor advertising redesigned for short or long periods of time on special occasions such as customer events, anniversaries, lecture series or theme evenings! The illustrations are designed and implemented individually for each event.

Illustrativ heiraten
Sie möchten Ihre Hochzeit oder die Ihrer Freunde auf ganz besondere Weise illustrativ begleiten lassen? Ich zeichne direkt vor Ort, fange mit schnellem Strich & modernen Illustrationen das Ja-Wort, Umarmungen & Küsse sowie das gemeinsame Schlemmen & Feiern ein- Ihre schönsten Momente einmalig, witzig & unverwechselbar illustriert!

Graphic Recording
Graphic Recording übersetzt live Wörter in Bilder. Simultan zur Konferenz, Meeting oder Vortragsreihe werden deren Inhalte zu lebendige Illustrationen. Die fertige Illustration wirkt als Zusammenfassung, Prozessvisualisierung und Erinnerung eines einzelnen Vortrags oder Themas.

WE DRAW ON SKIN (Pop-Up Tättu Studjo)
We bring your idea to your skin! Whether customer event, company anniversary, wedding or birthday party, we offer a novel event format that inspires the guests! Depending on the main topic of the event, the washable tattoo motifs can be adapted and are therefore the most unconventional highlight on every event!