Mural and graffiti artist from Hungary with 20 years of experience in street art combined with animation and augmented reality skills.

Mural painting
Fat Heat's style has been crafted over 20 years, often resembling comic book like qualities, with great admiration for nature and movement. When working on a project, he is always looking for a story - a gesture that either forecasts the future or recalls the past. He prefers to work on bigger walls, however small ones are also not a problem. His skillset extends beyond just painting: he is also doing animated murals, with augmented reality applications, to make those walls even more compelling.

Augmented reality murals
Make your mural even more interesting with augmented reality. Fat Heat has been working on frame by frame animated murals for years now. You will basically get a normal mural: a static picture painted on a wall, but with the power of smart devices, he is able to make those pigments move around and animate. This technology opens up a whole new world of possibilities for squeezing more information, or telling a more compelling story on the same square meter! Check the videos!