I am a Sydney based flow arts performer specialising in Fire, LED, Day and Aerial arts. I love to captivate using a creative blend of different props and apparatuses as well as combining technical skills with dance.
Sydney, Australien

Fire Performance
Captivating Roving or Feature Show style fire performance with one or more props including: - Hula Hoop - Dragon Staff - Fans - Palm Flames - Fire Eating - Sword - Poi

Aerial Performance
Engaging aerial performance with one or more apparatus including: - Lyra - Pole - Lollipop Potential for other LED or Fire Props to be combined with an aerial offering

LED Performance
Captivating Roving or Feature Show style fire performance with one or more props including: - Hula Hoop (Single Double, Triple, Quad and Quint) - Fans - Dragon Staff - Sword - Pixel Whip (Single or Double) - Poi - Wings
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