Mobile streettheater for impressive and intimate moments in the public space. STILTLIFE StreeTTheater creates professional street theater for public- and business events. We create monumental and emotional images with stilts and LIGHT. Costumes with a cutting edge LED technology are our specialty.

NARANJA - Winner Award Best Walkact. We have received the Freiburger Leiter during the 30th Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg Naranja! Fresh and fruity, sweet and juicy, playfully cheeky and seductively sensual. Colorfully energetic and bulging with joy, festively smelling oranges, that is Naranja!

Guide of Light
“There is no change from darkness to light without emotion” C.G. Jung He is the winner of the 1. Performance Price in Paderborn and comes from Pluto. With radiant light and slapstick, he conjures up laughter on every human face. He is terribly curious about these humans and what drives them. He watches them carefully, imitates them and tries to understand their language and some of their habits. Of course, this regularly goes wrong and provides for hilarious situations.