Street Magic often consists of slight of hand, card tricks and mentalism effects. The variety of illusions that Street Magic can present and the impromptu nature is what makes it so popular today.

Magic Show
The magician Mr. Marc Magic fascinates his audience with charm, fun and sponatneity. With his sympathetic kind (way) and funny jokes he requests smartly the audience to do magic together with him thus Mr. Marc Magic puts reason and logical thinking off balance. He enchants not only your guests, but the mood and brings order to bubble so that his incredible scene becomes the absolute highlight of the evening.

Closeup Magic (Table Hopping)
Its the most „personal“ form of magic entertainment. Due to immediate and personal contact with the audience, magic gets a whole new character. Close-up (or table magic) is the term of the art, which brings the fun directly amongst the people, from table to table group to group and person to person. Even within small groups, magic serves the purpose of communication. Close-up magic is also ideal to break the ice at any event: a bar, a lounge or directly at the table of your guests.