PERFORMING ARTISTS | Aerials Akrobatik Kunst | innovative High Level Gewebeakt und akrobatische Tanzleistung auf einem Würfel | Zwei junge Mädchen, die ihren Traum leben und ihrer PASSION folgen ♡

Cube - Dance Acrobatics
Ästhetische, feminine und starke akrobatische Tanzakrobatik wirken auf eine einzigartige Voraussetzung! Diese künstlerische Performance ist sehr kraftvoll mit vielen überraschenden Momenten! Die zwei hinreißenden Mädchen spielen mit den verschiedenen Räumen und Ebenen des Würfels und schaffen viele schöne Figuren ....

Dynamic Duo Aerial Rope Act
This Act is full of energetic and dynamic movements! It's an absolute highlight and a very special creation. Air and ground, dance and artistry merge perfectly and the use of the prop is definitely unique! This artistic performance is very powerful with a lot of surprising moments! The two impressive girls are playing with the different spaces around the rope and creating pictures you've never seen before!

Handstand Contorsion Act
Innovative, powerful and very aesthetic floor act with modern music, fancy costumes and a creative choreography. Fall into the breathtaking and marvelous performance with Mona and Laura! This act is a unique combination of duo contortion tricks, handstands and acrobatics. The two young women have combined their personal strengths and developed a feminine original style!

Experience the dreamy, elegant and pure aesthetic art in the air with the beautiful women from "monalaura". This act is packed with intense emotions & stunning body lines! Spinning through the air in synchronicity this act highlights the pure aesthetic of 100% trust between these two young ladies. Fall into the breathtaking and marvelous performance with monalaura and make your event unforgettable!