We are the LSAT team! Our project started in Lisbon over 9 years ago as the first ones to share our knowledge about the Lisbon's street art and graffiti scenery. We are the founders of the "yesyoucan.spray" street art collective & aim to be the most relevant, updated and respectful source in Lisbon.
Lissabon, Portugal

Lisbon Street Art Tours
We offer a walking tour of about 2:30-3 hours during which we will share the work of various (inter)national artists, their styles and techniques while showing legal and illegal pieces throughout a patchwork of streets, alleys and squares of Lisbon. We will highlight the roots of graffiti to the multiplicity of the urban art field. You will also learn about the history and culture of the city and the political, economical & social issues that gives rise to Lisbon’s street art & graffiti scene.
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