I am a bodypainter and photographer for photo shootings, advertising campaigns, trade fair appearances, artperformances at events, workshops. My work is known for my unique, artistic and fantastic style. I combine digital painting with bodyart and streetart.

Bodypainting 4 Events
Impress your customers with a living work of art at the next trade fair appearance. With Bodypainting you get into conversation quickly. Moreover, the artwork remains in the minds of visitors for a long time during photo campaigns. Photos from fairs, road shows and other events

Bodypainting Installation
Book the FINE ART artist Julie Boehm for your event showing an artistic statement. Depending on the customers wishes Julie Boehm integrates the bodypainting as - CAMOUFLAGE (you only see the model when she/ he moves) - ILLUSION PAINTING integrating also mural paintings / paintings on paper to make the whole artwork bigger - 2D Illusion Bodypainting (the model appears like a 2dimensional character)

Bodypainting for Private Shootings
Book me for a personal present with lasting value for an artistic bodypainting shoot. That could be a Baby Belly Shooting, Couple Shooting, Full Bodypainting Shooting. including a • professional photo shoot with body painting (studio and / or outdoor) • Personal conversation and advice • Making a moodboard for the design with the agreement of the customer • production of costume pieces (depending on the motive) • Common selection of favorites photos • 5 retouched photos

Portrait-und Tier-Gemälde in Öl, Acryl, Airbrush
Porträts und Tiergemälde: Ausdrucksstarke Werke in Öl, Acryl und Airbrush. Stil: Verbindung altmeisterlicher Techniken mit moderner Energie. Ziel: Emotionen einfangen, Geschichten erzählen. Umsetzung: Individuelle Gestaltung deines Kunstwerks inklusive Konzepterarbeitung mit einmaliger Revision. Dein persönliches Meisterwerk für Zuhause.