I am a Dutch urban fine artist/muralist with 40 years of experience in murals and paintings. My style is a combination of realism, surrealism and abstract art with eye for detail. I create large scale exterior murals but also smaller interior murals. Bases in the Netherlands, working worldwide.
Sittard, Niederlande

Interior (corporate) Murals
Mural art for interior locations like company walls, entrances, rooftops, bars, gyms, auditoriums, meeting rooms, company canteens, etc…

Exterior large scale Mural art
Mural and urban art for festivals, companies and municipalities, interior and exterior mural art, large scale murals, paintings for exhibitions and art collectors.

Urban art paintings and street art canvases
Urban art, urban fine art, urban contemporary paintings and street art canvases for sale, exhibitions and shows, for art collectors and everyone who wants to highlight their interior, company wall, meeting room or living room.
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