Foxic Poison is a True Showgirl of the world‘s famous beauty dance! The finest selection, make a reservation at Foxic Poison to experience true diversity. Each show act will invigorate you in a unique way. Glamoures Costumes, Show Charme, Humor and beautiful movement’s .

Valentines Heart - Show
This Big Act is perfect for a Valentines Dinner Show. It is all about Love, a very Big Heart and high entertaining, when Foxic performs with her lovely Assistant Maids. A red velvet chaise-longue serves as the perfect platform for this Stylish performance and Foxic leans back into the heart of love, allowing only her secret admirers to touch her.

Bathtub Burlesque
bring the Old Hollywood Glamour straight to your Event! Some Profound Fantasies are roused as soon as she sheds the covers as foxic stalks the stage like a glam femme fatale in a sparkling robe and top hat... she enters her bathtub and, filled with delight, alows her bath beauties to pamper her.

Burlesquetänzerin / Showgirl / Walking Act
Erleben Sie schillerndes Show Entertainment ... Extravagante, Glamouröse Kostüme und Requisiten, Show Charme, Humor, prickelnde Erotik und Vielfältigkeit. Foxic Poison Burlesque bietet Ihnen Professionelle Darbietungen mit Niveau und einem hohen Unterhaltungswert, die Ihr Publikum zum staunen bringen. Die Showlängen variieren zwischen 5 und 15 Minuten. Das Programm kann aus mehreren Show Act's gestaltet werden, mit einer 30-45 minütigen Pause.