Ich bin eine Performerin mit Sitz in Berlin, Meine Show ist eine Solo-Frauen-Feuershow mit originalen Feuerrequisiten und Tribal Fusion Dance. Es ist mein Beruf seit den letzten 13 Jahren. Ich bin ständig auf Reisen und toure mit ihm auf der ganzen Welt.
Berlin, Deutschland

Holiday on Delay
Looking forward to her longtime awaited dream vacation, Giselle la Pearl is about to find the perfect scenario to lay back & RELAX but then things start to fall apart... Due to her mischievous character, one thing she's surely about to succeed -is having a clownesque day on the beach. Join her for an anti-age vintage experience, whether you're an expert swimmer or just a toe dipper -jump in!

Ms. Flames
Fire Fingers, a one-woman company is proudly presenting her solo show „Ms. Flames“ The show which transforms your audience from passive spectators to engaged participants & into the stars of the night! „Ms. Flames“ has wowed countless crowds with her high-energy, unique and stunning performances all around the globe.
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