Ich bin ein freiberuflicher Grafiker, Illustrator und Graffiti-Künstler mit Sitz in München. Ich kombiniere verschiedene Stile von Charakteren, Schriftzügen und Designelementen, um surreale Welten zu erschaffen. Ich arbeite crossmedial auf allen möglichen Arten, von Pixeln bis zu Spraydosen.
München, Deutschland

As a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and artist, I am working on a broad range of creative fields from digital to analog, from pixel to spray can, for web and for print. I create logos, flyer, poster, sticker, t-shirt designs, storyboards, music covers, chalkboard art, canvas art, characters...and much more.

Started with graffiti 20 years ago, I still like to combine different styles of characters, lettering and design elements to create surreal worlds. Currently I am working with abstract shapes and textures, always playing with vivid color schemes. I offer graffiti and mural painting for indoor and outdoor commissions, no matter what size the wall is - the bigger the better.
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