Multimedia Artist. Focus on: Projection Mapping, 3d Animation and Tape Art. My passion lies in combining my analog and digital skills. Example: Tape Art + Projection Mapping = Tape Mapping. I Studied film & motion design but love to break away from the traditional 16:9 ratio. German English Spanish.
Berlin, Deutschland

Video Art
You have a stage? a Stand? a business? any kind of wall/surface you need to fill with a mesmerizing video? With 3d animation, the possibilities are endless! For this you only need a monitor, led wall or a projector. I love to create abstract motion design but also do stylized videos and VJ loops. I use a variety of 3d software such as blender and Houdini and am constantly learning more about generative and procedural design.

TAPE MAPPING is a combination of tape art (analog) and video mapping (digital). I can project real footage, create 2d animations or 3d simulations. The light from the projector brings the static Tape Art to life by introducing movement. It's like magic, except it's real.
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