angry_koala ist heiß wie saftige Jalapeños. Kicking that sick shit & bringing da bam. This is PMAA - positive mental attitude art. Es ist alles im Mix: Illustration trifft Malerei trifft Street-Art trifft Comic trifft Grafik-Design trifft auf Handarbeit. Analoge und digitale Kunst. * Koalarizzle 4 Life *.
Hamburg, Deutschland

illustration + graphic design
handmade. analog + digital. fine art on canvas and dope illustrations. for posters, websites, cover artworks. graphic design meets street art. cute characters and wicked typograhpy.

graffiti + mural + wall painting
inside and outside. we love painting. big murals, small walls, whole houses. company, office, flat, festival, whatever. crazy solutions for everything. do you want some funky style?

live paintings
need a colourful event? we got the crazy painting style for live actions. fast and funny. customizing what you got: cars, trailers, shoes, bags. you name it, we paint it.
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